domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

Curry Singapore Style

This is what´s left from last night´s dinner with the missionaries.  We were able to feed four missionaries with huge appetites and a family of five.  All the ingredients were gathered from local stores and supermarkets.  This time Ana and I went all out to get the ingredients to fix an authentic curry Singapore style.  She bought a whole chicken, potatoes, carrots and onions.  I went to the local Chinese store and picked up some curry powder, red chilli powder and a can of coconut.  Interestingly enough, Ana also bought a can of coconut milk from a German Supermarket.  So, I used her´s to try it out.  BTW it was both imported from Thailand.
Prepared the potatoes first by peeling them and cutting them into chunks.  Next I added 300gms of sunflower seed oil and fried the potatoes.  When the potatoes turned slightly brown I set them aside.  Next I fried the chicken which was cut into parts by the butcher.  I cooked the chicken till it all turned white.  With a clean wok, I stir fried, garlic, shallots and onions then I quickly added three tablespoons of Madras curry powder and a teaspoon of red chilli powder.  The fragrance of the curry powder enveloped the whole kitchen which means time to add the coconut milk.  Furthermore, I added two more "cans" of water with a chicken stock thrown in.  The liquid should be plentiful, so add some milk and additional water if necessary. Finally, I added the cooked potatoes and let the curry cover the chicken and potatoes.  Allow twenty minutes to cook all the ingredients and there you have it: Curry Singapore style!  I serve with hot bread.

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