domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

We had a tough week.

Just got word that one of our close friend´s son-in-law has Hodgkin´s Lympoma at 2nd stage.  We were stunned.  We hope and pray that with chemo and radiation treatment this yound man will see full recovery.

Our second son, Gabriel who turned twelve last November, received the Aaronic Priesthood and is set apart as Deacon´s Quorum President.  We are proud of him.

Carolina our oldest girl went on a weekend trip to Granada and brought us back some delicious pastry called "pioninos"!  Very sweet.

Daniel,our number one son is occupied with lots of exams, this year he attempts the entrance exams.  Hope he gets in the university and major in something that he has a passion for, physics and computers (informatics).

I have been busy clearing the storehouse at work to make way hopefully for a yoga room.  Meanwhile, at work I have been busy fixing soups and soups for the clients, to keep them warm for the freezing winter.

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